Articles by Jes


Jes spends approximately 25% of her income on brunch, really likes to laugh and is certain if Regina George punched her in the face she would not think it was awesome.


Edmonton Folk Music Festival 2015

The Edmonton Folk Music Festival—as mentioned in my last article—is a pretty big deal. To illustrate exactly how big of a deal, tickets to the festival sell out within minutes while lotteries are drawn simply to enter the grounds when gates first open for the day. Arguably one of the most popular festivals of the…


10 people you will find in every office

I’ve worked in my fair share of offices: open, small, shared, loud, serious, fun, awesome, terrible, doomed, poor, rich …you name the office type, I’ve worked there. If you’re thinking, “What the hell? You are young-ish, why have you had so many jobs?” Then my answer would be, “I always get too drunk at the…

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