Tips for doing Disneyland in one day

I love Disney. If Walt Disney isn’t one of the most influential people ever to breathe the air of earth, I don’t know who is. Even though the man did cause me emotional distress as a child (After Bambi I had a an actual fear that every time my mom left the house she was going to die. That was because of Bambi and because I was a very overly dramatic child.), he is still a hero. One of Walt’s all-time greatest accomplishments was creating the happiest place on earth – Disneyland.

Canadians plan trips to Disneyland for their families every year. They will spend a week in a hotel near or on the park and hit all of the rides and shows over a lengthy period of time. As an adult without children, the chances that you will plan a trip to California solely to go to Disneyland for 3 days is unlikely.

So, the question then becomes, how to have the most effective one day Disneyland adventure? For all of the 20 and 30 somethings that have no kids and don’t need to make a multi-day trip out to Anaheim – here are some tips on doing Disneyland in ONE DAY.

Go in the Winter.
Winter being a strong term, because Anaheim rarely goes below 15 degrees, but our southern neighbours are less likely to be out in urban nature when there is a chance of sweater weather and a side of rain.

Take your trip during the value days – a Monday at the end of January may be best. It costs less to enter, which is a plus, AND there are less people because 1. January isn’t a prime family vacation month and 2. It’s not a weekend.

Going during a down time is the best advice you’ll receive for your one day venture. There will be people, but your chances of having to endure any uncomfortable crowds will be low.

Plan your day before you go.
You know what is helpful? Having a clear plan about the rides you want to go on, the order and when all of the daily events are taking place. You will be able to utilize your Fast Passes and hit all of the specials in record time (And if you choose to watch a parade – getting a good spot before the masses).

Bring food and water.
Spend your time waiting in lines for rides, not food. Speaking of lines, you never know when you’re going to be standing in a ride line that says it is 20 minutes and then it ends up being an hour. You also never know when you will go from hungry to hangry while you wait – so it’s a good idea to always have some snacks on your person to keep the angry in check.

Take an Uber/Lyft/Etc.
Parking can be a nightmare just about anywhere you go, and at Disneyland it is no different. An Uber can drop you off right at the gate and pick you up there too.

Skip the parades.
They are definitely magical, but if you only have one day – take a pass. Parades are the best time to go on the rides is when the parades or fireworks are going. If you’re extra irritable with the crowds – this would be the best option.



Jes spends approximately 25% of her income on brunch, really likes to laugh and is certain if Regina George punched her in the face she would not think it was awesome.

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