Articles by Jes


Jes spends approximately 25% of her income on brunch, really likes to laugh and is certain if Regina George punched her in the face she would not think it was awesome.


Things we cared about in 2015

2015 was an interesting year. Here are the stories that got people talking, in a tizzy and were heard round the world. From terrorists to the red cup war on Christmas, we got passionate about so many different things. Hellos The world said hello to Will and Kate’s newest addition to the Royal Family, Charlotte….


Best British Christmas Songs

Having moved to the UK a mere three months before Christmas the first time I lived here, it was not long before the perfect storm. Just as homesickness started to peak, the holiday season started. I generally love Christmas so I thought this would help me get out of my rut. While UK Christmas just…


13 Reasons NOT to quit your job

Should I quit my job? Yes or no. This is a question that millennials ask themselves on a regular basis. There are 8,000 articles out there that tell companies why their employees quit (their boss) and reasons why you should give your resignation letter, but there are very few that will tell you to calm down and stay…


Young Alberta MLA killed in highway accident

35 year old Alberta MLA, Manmeet Bhullar, was killed last night while helping another driver on the highway between Edmonton and Calgary. He had pulled over and was walking to assist another vehicle when a tractor trailer lost control and struck him. Bhullar had been working in provincial government since 2008. The hashtag #nicetoManmeetyou was…

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